
I have been singing and writing music since I was a child and for a short period was in a band while in college. Marriage and step kids took me down a different path with many years of care-taking family members and co-owning a graphics design business with my former husband. In the early 90s I received my Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and eventually returned to my hometown in Santa Barbara. In 1997 I started a publication called Santa Barbara Family Life Magazine that I sold in 2016. Today I live in Santa Barbara with my husband/musician John Douglas and our two cats.

My music reflects the different moods I’ve experienced as I allowed myself to fall in and out of love along with all the waves of emotions and the pain that is often its companion.

My music doesn’t fit into any particular genre but is more a combination of Irish ballads, ethereal feelings and a little country here and there. I am a work in progress and my music continues to reflect my experiences and challenges. I will continue to add songs to the collection as the arrangements get finalized. I hope you enjoy.